Wang Yi Meets with Foreign Minister of Honduras Eduardo Enrique Reina García
2023-11-01 22:45

On November 1, 2023, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Foreign Minister of Honduras Eduardo Enrique Reina García in Beijing.

Wang Yi said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Honduras, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, bilateral relations have grown rapidly, showing broad prospects and vigorous vibrancy. In June this year, President Iris Xiomara Castro Sarmiento paid a successful state visit to China, and the two heads of state held a historic meeting, laying an important foundation for a high-level start of bilateral relations. China highly appreciates Honduras's firm commitment to the one-China principle, supports Honduras's efforts to safeguard sovereign independence and promote development, and supports Honduras in independently choosing a development path suited to its national conditions. The eight steps announced by President Xi Jinping to support the joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation will open up new pathways for China-Honduras cooperation. China is ready to work with Honduras to implement the important common understandings reached by the two heads of state across the board, strengthen exchanges at all levels, deepen the alignment of development strategies, carry out high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and push for more tangible results in China-Honduras relations, so as to better benefit the people of the two countries. China welcomes Honduras to attend the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) as the Guest Country of Honor, and wishes Honduras a complete success at the CIIE. China is ready to create more opportunities for specialty products of Honduras to be exported to China.

Wang Yi said that China is ready to strengthen international coordination with Honduras, and safeguard legitimate rights and interests of developing countries and international fairness and justice. China is ready to work with Honduras to jointly elevate the China-CELAC Forum and overall cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to a new level.

Eduardo Enrique Reina García thanked China for inviting Honduras to attend the 6th CIIE as the Guest Country of Honor, and said that although Honduras-China relations started late, they have a bright future. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have demonstrated friendship and solidarity, and bilateral cooperation has made important progress. Honduras is firmly committed to the one-China principle, highly appreciates a series of important initiatives put forth by President Xi Jinping, including Belt and Road cooperation, and appreciates China's adherence to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and its important and constructive role in international affairs. Honduras is ready to work with China to carry out high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation between Honduras and China in various fields to better benefit the people of the two countries. Honduras is ready to take the opportunity of assuming the presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States to push for new development of LAC-China relations.

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